Thursday, September 07, 2006


your new ring designs are fantastic! I love the fine embroidery. I am so pleased you have found inspiration although I doubt I contributed anything to that!

This year has been a whirlwind but now, slowly, for me, the time is becoming more artistic - I have returned to figures that I had previously abandoned and created new ones.

I have exhibited and now have a head full of ideas that will draw me over into next year............ my inspirations are fueled by having you there.

I go back and look at the envelope you sent me - there is stuff I shall continue to work on into the autumn /winter .............I am still keen to persue the weaving.

Your ring inspires me- you inspire me - although we have not completed the 'head to head' collaboration in the normal sense of understanding , it is precisely what I envisaged .

A progression ...........................and one that is ongoing.


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