Sunday, June 18, 2006


away from all the hustle and bustle of house and job hunting I had time to contemplate your envelope and its contents - hands , I like............but the colour green is not one I would choose to work in .

But I gave it a go and am rather pleased with these beginnings .....

I like the way the leaves and growth has sort of srepy out around the images and shapes - particularly the hand ones!

I also like the writing that weaves in and out ...............see! back to that old weaving again ;-)

What thinks you, Watson? :-)

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Big News !

The first envelope from Sweden has arrived !
I was so excited to find it in the mailbox.

I love that there's a map inside. And Notes.
And photographs and drawings. And paper-string.

and all sorts of things ! i've started to look through
it and enjoy all the musings of Sara.

I will save some of it for tomorrow.

in the meantime, i share a garden photo, taken

only an hour ago.
The peonies in my garden will be open soon.
the ants are working hard at opening up the buds.