Sunday, June 18, 2006


away from all the hustle and bustle of house and job hunting I had time to contemplate your envelope and its contents - hands , I like............but the colour green is not one I would choose to work in .

But I gave it a go and am rather pleased with these beginnings .....

I like the way the leaves and growth has sort of srepy out around the images and shapes - particularly the hand ones!

I also like the writing that weaves in and out ...............see! back to that old weaving again ;-)

What thinks you, Watson? :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow. You've been busy.
I am thrilled !

Please don't take the "inspiration by" too literally. Especially since you don't enjoy working in Green. just because it's my favourite, doesn't mean that you have to share the same colour (or shade). Let it inspire you to work in something YOU love.
(blue, for example !)