Monday, December 08, 2008

happy wishes for December

it's rare that i get to
see the Knitting Companion laying
on his back, in such a state of
utter relaxation.

Best wishes for the Christmas season.

Friday, September 19, 2008

one of my favourite cups

i love this little cup and saucer.
the cup isn't very big - and doesn't keep
your drink hot for a long time - but it
is a marvellous cup. Whimsical and
a joy to use. and the saucer is just the
perfect size to hold a few biscuits !

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Friday, August 01, 2008

let's have a little drink together

sometimes, when everything
is bad and getting ... well, not any
better at all....
you discover something
Say hello to "st-germain". a lovely drink.
let's have a little drink together.

Tchin, tchin !

Friday, July 25, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

another planet

I am so sorry that things are not as you thought - life in another country can be tough, isolating and damn well bloody strange . -

take it from me - I know and understand..........

exactly how you feel ..........

from one who has lived in a twilight world for the past 9 years .......... a world where one just doesnt belong ................ or feel at home ..........

but then we always have our friends to keep us in touch and alive .........

furry or otherwise ...........

without them - I would have gone mad ............
I understand ..............really........... I do understand
Zaz ;-)

Friday, March 14, 2008


i feel like i've been
transported to another planet.
and in many ways: i really have been.

one day this will probably be a big blur.
right now - it's all just pretty raw.
and not pretty.

on a good note, my fuzzy
guy has adapted well to his ultra
urban surroundings. he's made new