Monday, October 29, 2007

oh, my sore head

in only two weeks the Knitting Companion and i will be
moving from our home in Montreal, Quebec
here in Canada
to the city of San Francisco, California in the USA.

there is still so much to be worked out and arranged.
not to mention my tons of "things" that have to
be sorted out.

oh - and legal arrangements are not finished either.
You can imagine that i have a constant headache these
past two weeks.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

big move ahead

The Knitting Companion and i will be moving
our lives and art to the other side of the continent.
We'll be three time zones away from here by
this time next month. We will start our driving-trip
in just a couple of weeks. It will be a whole new life.

Friday, October 05, 2007

hello from Canada

my fuzzy companion and
i are Loving this ultra-warm autumn.
it's quite rare that we have summer time temperatures
this late in the year. it's been in the mid 20's (celcius)
all september, and now for october as well.

autumn in montreal

the leaves there in Montreal
have begun to change colour ... it won't
be long now until they're creating a multi coloured
carpet below our feet.