Tuesday, September 29, 2009

these are cute.

i am loving these new
they button up at the back.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

welcome back

home .................

Hope all is well with you - I often think of you..


Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Maraschino cherries,
from Italy. They are
tiny, delicious and sweet
but not sugary.
No red food colouring.
the possibilities
are truly endless !

Sunday, August 02, 2009


whether you're frosty
or chilly: these beverages
are so delicious & fruity.

Friday, July 31, 2009

pretty package

while it's not meant to be
an easter time package;
this wrapping & presentation
reminds me of an
Easter treat.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Friday, May 08, 2009

fuzzy greetings from the poodle and i

Greetings, from the
Knitting Companion.
We're beside the fire place
keeping warm.

Monday, May 04, 2009

a welcome sight ....

a sight for sore eyes. flowers are always welcome.

Friday, May 01, 2009

love from the oven

my chum has
started to bake and cook again.
this is a good sign.
for both of us.

Monday, December 08, 2008

happy wishes for December

it's rare that i get to
see the Knitting Companion laying
on his back, in such a state of
utter relaxation.

Best wishes for the Christmas season.

Friday, September 19, 2008

one of my favourite cups

i love this little cup and saucer.
the cup isn't very big - and doesn't keep
your drink hot for a long time - but it
is a marvellous cup. Whimsical and
a joy to use. and the saucer is just the
perfect size to hold a few biscuits !

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Friday, August 01, 2008

let's have a little drink together

sometimes, when everything
is bad and getting ... well, not any
better at all....
you discover something
Say hello to "st-germain". a lovely drink.
let's have a little drink together.

Tchin, tchin !

Friday, July 25, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

another planet

I am so sorry that things are not as you thought - life in another country can be tough, isolating and damn well bloody strange . -

take it from me - I know and understand..........

exactly how you feel ..........

from one who has lived in a twilight world for the past 9 years .......... a world where one just doesnt belong ................ or feel at home ..........

but then we always have our friends to keep us in touch and alive .........

furry or otherwise ...........

without them - I would have gone mad ............
I understand ..............really........... I do understand
Zaz ;-)

Friday, March 14, 2008


i feel like i've been
transported to another planet.
and in many ways: i really have been.

one day this will probably be a big blur.
right now - it's all just pretty raw.
and not pretty.

on a good note, my fuzzy
guy has adapted well to his ultra
urban surroundings. he's made new

Saturday, November 10, 2007

new journeys

we are both on the path of new journeys my friend.................... yours to a new country , new house, new life

mine is a new job, another new house possibly next spring, and a new life style for me with a retired husband...........

where will these paths take us ? life will be different - but isnt that what life is all about? we all need changes - enforced or otherwise - life would be so boring without that.

one thing is not changing though - we will still meet over the net - you and me - friends through a modern medium - not the ''pop in for coffee'' type friends but friends who are just ''there'' and who just ''understand'' how life can suddenly throw up these little blips that make us stop and rethink strategies.

You may be in sunny San Francsico and me in frozen cold Sweden but together we are artists who are joined together through our art ............... one day we might just meet - and drink that coffee ..............what a day that will be!

At the start of your journey I wish you all the love in the world that you will stay open minded and happy - continue to make your art - and will always be ''my friend''...................

Monday, October 29, 2007

oh, my sore head

in only two weeks the Knitting Companion and i will be
moving from our home in Montreal, Quebec
here in Canada
to the city of San Francisco, California in the USA.

there is still so much to be worked out and arranged.
not to mention my tons of "things" that have to
be sorted out.

oh - and legal arrangements are not finished either.
You can imagine that i have a constant headache these
past two weeks.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

big move ahead

The Knitting Companion and i will be moving
our lives and art to the other side of the continent.
We'll be three time zones away from here by
this time next month. We will start our driving-trip
in just a couple of weeks. It will be a whole new life.

Friday, October 05, 2007

hello from Canada

my fuzzy companion and
i are Loving this ultra-warm autumn.
it's quite rare that we have summer time temperatures
this late in the year. it's been in the mid 20's (celcius)
all september, and now for october as well.

autumn in montreal

the leaves there in Montreal
have begun to change colour ... it won't
be long now until they're creating a multi coloured
carpet below our feet.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

my dear friend:

Congratulations on the Start of your Degree course.
Your journey will be wonderful.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

CLASP was Fabulous !

i'm so glad i was

able to attend.

wow !

Saturday, September 08, 2007

catching up

A long time ago
i signed up for a conference.... i think we spoke about it in the winter
or the spring.

the conference in Denver, USA starts
next week. 3 days. it costs an arm & a leg.
I hope i get a lot out of this - i really need a kick start
and some business knowledge.

Here's the Link
for the Conference.
It's called "clasp".
it's for jewellery artists/ designers/ makers.

images from montreal summer

Received this lovely little skein
of silk last month from a friend.
what a marvellous and exciting gift !
Lucky Me. it's not a very big skein but she
promises that if i make it Narrow enough
there will be enough silk to knit a little scarf.

took myself to the museum of fine arts last month. It's SO close, why
do i wait so long ??
and, yes, this is a sculpture of a cow, outside the museum.

Little fuzzy boy enjoying the quiet, warm summer afternoon.

Friday, September 07, 2007

a visual catch up

a few things
have happened this summer.
None of them were actually
work .... not even work related, i suppose.
I'm trying not to dwell on beating myself
up for the Not work issues.

but i do have some new socks completed.
Yes, they're for me.

the brown pair is knit with "lorna's Laces" and the
skein that's showing still in it's bag is Opal's cotton
blend. A lovely cotton/wool blend that still has enough
bounce. I don't like knitting with 100% cotton. And i'm
not a fan of 100% cotton Socks, either.
Below you can see a little swatch
i made with some Wonderful silk yarn. it's 100% silk,
and Helen C has some of this yarn too!
i have made a little hat - perfect for autumn & spring.
I've yet to start a scarf with the silk that's left over. I know
it will feel wonderful to wear and the colours of mauve
and lilac are rich and so luscious.

This is quite an event:
i actually read a book . A whole book. A book
without any pictures, diagrams, illustrations or photos.
I used to be an avid reader until 15 years ago. I stopped because
the time i spent reading, i wasn't "doing" anything else.
No art, no designing .... nothing of my Own.
I'm sure you understand. it's hard to describe.
This book was
so well written, and if you
decide to pick up a novel, i highly recommend this one.

Monday, July 30, 2007

denver -

it won't be long now .... Denver USA in september:


Monday, June 25, 2007

garden update

the garden is full of life again.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

little update

this is big news.
i've signed up. and booked my hotel.

This coming september, i'll be in the USA at a conference:

width=283 height=283 border=0 alt="clasp" />

Saturday, June 09, 2007

spring time in Montreal

hello from Montreal - this
image was taken just
a few weeks ago,

down town.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

This is a marvellous quote

"One thing life has taught me:
if you are interested,
you never have to look for new interests.
They come to you.
When you are genuinely interested in
one thing, it will
always lead to something else."

Eleanor Roosevelt